Happy Pisces season! I wanted to start a theme of journal prompts in shadow work for each zodiac season. Shadow work is a passion of mine and something I love to talk about and share ways to start doing the work.
I created some shadow work journal prompts for Pisces season and the energy Pisces season can bring us and illuminate for us. I love journal prompts for shadow work beginners or those who are looking to incorporate regular shadow work into their lives.
We all have a shadow side, it’s part of our human experience! But we can tend to ignore and repress our shadow side which can cause a lot of triggers and harm in our lives. Shadow work is so important as part of a spiritual journey. While first getting into it can be uncomfortable and you may find yourself wanting to avoid it but it brings so much clarity and love into your life. The more shadow work you do the easier it is to notice your shadow side and honor it accordingly. In my opinion, shadow work is the truest form of self-love, as it’s about loving and accepting ALL OF YOURSELF.
As a precaution, these journal prompts may cause triggers. If you feel triggered by a certain prompt you probably need to focus on that one the most. I strongly suggest shadow work for those who feel ready to dive into this and are getting the mental health support they need in addition to doing their shadow work.
Allow these prompts to be a guide for you. You may find yourself being drawn to only one or certain aspects of them and that’s 100% ok! They may even lead you to write more prompts for yourself. Write your heart and feelings out and allow your shadow side to guide you on what healing and work needs to be done.
I love this! Thank you!
I love this! Thank you!
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