If you’re reading this at the publishing time (June 3rd, 2022) we are about to go into a Saturn retrograde. As Refinery 29 perfectly put it, Saturn retrograde is here to help you get you sh*t together, BUT you can work with Saturns energy ANYTIME and it’s a planet placement I strongly suggest learning to work WITH .
If you are visiting this page during a Saturn retrograde, remember that retrogrades are a time for re-directing patterns and re-evaluating themes, especially in how we live life in this realm. The themes will coordinate with the planet. Retrograde energy is powerful if you are willing to learn from it and work with it.
Keep reading to learn about some of Saturns themes!
I call Saturn “Sky Daddy”. The energy of Saturn can come off as ‘tough love’ to some but it serves a purpose and I strongly suggest learning how to have a relationship with Saturn because as anyone who’s gone through their Saturn return knows…..you can’t hide from this cosmic power. It helps you move through limitations, be responsible for your life choices and embody your authority.
Think of a small child asking for permission. Some of us still function in this way even if we’re of adult age (and I’m not talking about consent and healthy boundaries) I am talking about you waiting for permission from others or yourself to live the life you want! Saturn helps you work though the limitations that hold you back.
Saturn is one of my favorite placements to work with because its one of your HOW placements aka
-HOW you manifest in the world
-HOW you achieve your goals
-HOW you enforce your healthy boundaries
Sky Daddy/Saturn also pulls out the magnifying glass
Looking at debt (in every form)
Looking at responsibility you take for yourself and your life
Looking at what you’ve learned from life lessons (a sort of energetic inventory)
Saturn/Sky Daddy really prepares us for this world, especially in 10th house matters like
-Supporting our sense of purpose
-Our contribution to this world
-Achievements and goals
-Public Image
-Your power and authority here in this realm and how to actually use it
I find sometimes folks who have ADHD, ADD, are neurodivergent, people pleasers/fawn response, creatives/artists, those with ‘father figure wounds’, those who experienced abusive discipline and/or highly sensitive people (HSP) can need some extra love and support in their relationship with Sky Daddy/Saturn. This is often a big rejection/repressed placement in shadow work. You can work together in healthy expansive ways, I promise!
If you FEAR Saturn and feel resistance you may have FEARS, WOUNDS or not know how to tap into and work with-
-Your own divine masculine energy
-Personal responsibility and taking responsibility for yourself
-Your power in this realm
-Boundaries and enforcing them in healthy ways
-Structure around time and money (to name a few)
-Wounds around unhealthy authority figures
-Father figure wounds
-Experiencing harmful discipline or finding the idea of discipline being limiting
I suggest learning about your personal Saturn placements and also looking at 10th house placements if the above resonate with you.
If you’re ready to work with some Saturn energy in your chart explore my True North Session offering! A cosmic action plan to get your energy aligned.
thanks for putting this all together- I appreciate the prompts and perspective very much. Being a mercury, sun, moon Capricorn and having Saturn in my Virgoian first house conjunct Mars; authority and limits are always being questioned. Like when to resist vs submit are unclear. As an HSP Empath, Its like the gas and break are on at the same time and systems are not designed with me in mind so when advocate for myself, I get alot of side eye from those in charge and battles of accountability where I am outranked so I either comply or get cast out of "the village". Hermit prophet life in such an age of patriarchal colonization is lonely and challenging. Sky daddy has assigned some hard lessons I have yet to master.
thanks for putting this all together- I appreciate the prompts and perspective very much. Being a mercury, sun, moon Capricorn and having Saturn in my Virgoian first house conjunct Mars; authority and limits are always being questioned. Like when to resist vs submit are unclear. As an HSP Empath, Its like the gas and break are on at the same time and systems are not designed with me in mind so when advocate for myself, I get alot of side eye from those in charge and battles of accountability where I am outranked so I either comply or get cast out of "the village". Hermit prophet life in such an age of patriarchal colonization is lonely and challenging. Sky daddy has assigned some hard lessons I have yet to master.
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